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From Starting from scratch to Billion Asset Fish Boss Zhou Qinfu: Selling Wenchang Tilapia Abroad
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Zhou Qin Fu

Tilapia Processing Workshop

  Zhou Qinfu52is energetic. Over the past 30 yearshe has grown from a peasant to an outstanding private entrepreneur with a total assets of more than 300 million yuan. He has not only established the first national standardized tilapia breeding demonstration base in Wenchangbut also created the only national export food safety demonstration base in our provincewhich has created a good result of the first national export of tilapia to Hainanthe European Union. 。

  Zhou Qinfu was born in a farmhouse in Lishui CityZhejiang Province. In 1985when he was only a teenagerhe traveled alone on the South Island of Shanghai to start his own business. He introduced 12000 egg-laying ducks from Lishui City and set up the largest duck farm in Hainan at that time in Wenchang. Unexpectedly encountered setbacksat the end of 1987the price of duck eggs fell sharplyduck raising lost money. Zhou Qinfu owes a bunch of debts

  In 1988Hainan set up a provincial special economic zone to rekindle his dream of becoming rich. He borrowed money and set up a duck farm. He found that Hainan is very suitable for tilapia growthand began to raise ducks on the water and fish underwater in the "three-dimensional culture" mode. Laterbecause duck farming would cause water pollution and affect the quality of fishhe abandoned duck farming and specialized in fish farming. At that timethere was no professional tilapia breeding enterprise in Wenchangand the seedling and breeding technology were very backward. After Zhou Qinfu settled in Wenchanghe took advantage of the high-quality seedlings introduced by Taiwanese businessmen and advanced breeding technology to promote tilapia cultivation in Wenchang and become the industry leader. "I remember when the first oxygen machine was introduceda lot of people came to watch it and thought it was very strange." Years laterZhou Qinfu still remembers the scene of that year.

  "Since 1991tilapia farming has been profitable almost every year." Zhou Qinfu said that around 2000foreign trade orders for tilapia dropped sharplyand many farmers lost money. They transferred fish ponds one after another. He took the opportunity to buy them. By 2008Zhou Qinfu's own farming base had reached more than 10000 mubecoming the largest tilapia farmer in Hainan Island.

  Knowing that Zhou Qinfu has made money in fish farmingmany villagers in Zhejiang have come to him. At presentmore than 30000 villagers in Zhejiang have raised tilapia in Hainan. Zhou Qinfu adopted the model of "company + base + peasant household"which promoted the employment of more than 100000 local people and nearly 140000 mu of aquaculture base. In 2017he won the title of "National Model of Agricultural Labor".

  Zhou Qinfu introduced that tilapia is a treasure all over the bodyfish bones can be processed into fish mealfish skin can be processed into protein. "If there is only a shallow export of agricultural products and no processing enterprises of its ownprices and sales are often subject to the control of others." Zhou Qinfu said that he later set up a factory in Wenchang and sold his products to the United Statesthe European UnionRussiathe Middle EastAfrica and other countries and regions. Because of its good taste and qualityit is very popular in the international market. TodayZhou Qinfu's food processing plant has an annual production capacity of more than 35000 tons. In 2017the company exported 15.7 million tons of aquatic productsamounting to 36.26 million US dollars. "I want to make articles on intensively processed productsstrive to build a high-quality 100-year brand of Hainan aquatic productscreate a new type of tilapia leisure industry modeland help Wenchang more people find jobs." Zhou Qinfu is full of confidence.

Source: Quick Information Website

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